Unknown ‘Binary Bandit’ Stealing 0s and 1s from House Numbers Off Philly Homes

It is one crime that has left neighbours and police baffled. Actually, it is a bizarre crime where the aptly named “Binary Bandit” is stealing just 0s and 1s from the address numbers on the front of buildings. The yet known thief or his gang have hit up at least a dozen houses, according to CBS Philly.


Neighbours cannot figure out why these thieves are targeting very specific numbers from the nameplates outside of their homes. The crime is not limited to just one house as many houses in the area have reported that their nameplates are missing 0s and 1s. missing-numbers-1

Though not much is known about the Binary Bandit, a security camera caught one of these brazen thefts in action and they’re hoping it will help police catch the culprit.

The CCTV footages show a woman stealing 0 from a nameplate in a Philly house. The area denizens hope that this will help the police identify the gang and lock them up for good.

Another  thing  put forward by the neighbours is that it’s some sort of promotion for some sort of performance art or coming installation. Remember, we had a similar Blood Donation drive promo where big brands like Microsoft, Tesco, Starbucks etc removed A, B and O from their signages to ask patrons to donate blood and save lives.